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Privacy Statement
Your privacy is important to us. This document describes how we collect personal data from you, and how we use the data we collect. If you have questions regarding your privacy on ZuluLog, please contact us.
Privacy overview
  • We will not sell, rent, or lease your information to any third party. This includes contact information such as your full name, address, phone number, email address and payment information, as well as data you enter into ZuluLog, such as flight records, certificate information, and so on.
  • Creating and using your account on ZuluLog will not cause your email address or phone number to be added to any third party lists.
  • We take active steps to secure customer data in accordance with industry best practices. We use industry-standard encryption technology and firewall technology to secure customer data.
How we collect customer information
  • When you visit our site, we record your source IP address along with other statistical, non-personal information about your connection.
  • When you register for an account, we collect personal information from you necessary to provide you with service, such as your name, email address, and date of birth.
  • When you enter flight, certificate, and other records into our system, we store them securely on your behalf.
  • When you register for our premium services, we securely collect and store your payment information.
  • When you interact with our products, we may use cookies to, for example, save your login information on your device for your convenience. We do not use cookies for third-party marketing or tracking purposes.
  • Our software may send information such as error reports and usage data back to ZuluLog, for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing the quality of our products.
  • ZuluLog does not display any outside advertising, and we do not use any technologies for ad targeting or similar purposes.
How we use the information we collect
  • We use your information to provide you the products and services we offer.
  • We use your email address to send you notifications relating to your pilot currency, medical certificate status, flight review status, and similar information, depending on your account settings.
  • We use your email address to send you news and marketing information about ZuluLog, depending on your account settings.
  • We use your email address to send you account-related notifications such as password updates, payment method expiration updates, and similar notifications.
  • We may provide your information to vendors working on our behalf, for the purpose of providing you ZuluLog's products and services, and provided that any such vendors will not use your information for marketing or advertising purposes, or disclose your information to any third party.
  • We use your date of birth to calculate your adherence to pilot currency and medical requirements according to regulations. For example, some medical regulations are different for pilots depending on age. We also use your date of birth to ensure that we do not collect personal information from users who are too young, as required by United States law. We may also use your date of birth for identity verification purposes.
  • To protect the security of our products, services, and customer data.
  • To protect our rights and property.
  • As required by law or to respond to legal process.
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