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ZuluScript Functions
Returns the string value of the field whose name is specified in string1. If the field does not exist for the given record, an empty string ("") is returned.
For fields of type checkbox, returns "false" or "true" depending on checkbox state.
For flight records, you can look up field values for associated aircraft definitions as well as flight fields.
	var route = getfieldstr("Route");
Returns the numeric value of the field whose name is specified in string1. If the field does not exist for the given record, 0.0 is returned.
For fields of type checkbox, returns 0 or 1 depending on checkbox state.
For flight records, you can look up field values for associated aircraft definitions as well as flight fields.
	var flttime = getfieldnum("Day Flight Time") + getfieldnum("Night Flight
Returns the number of days between the record's date and today. For example, if a flight record's date is entered as June 7, and today is June 27 of the same year, this function would return 20 for that record. Example:
	var days = getdaysago();
	if (days < 30)
	  // do something here
strindex(string1, string2)
Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of string2 in string1. If string2 does not occur in string1, -1 is returned.
	var idx = strindex("Hello World", "llo");
returns 2.
strequal(string1, string2)
Tests the case-insensitive equality of string1 and string2. Returns 1 if the strings are equal, or 0 otherwise.
	var iseq = strequal("Hello World!", "HELLO World!");
returns 1.
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