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Logging Night Simulator Time
You may be able to log night time in certain types of simulators (e.g. "Full Flight Simulators" and "Flight Training Devices"). To do this:
  • Create a Custom Flight Field called (exactly) Simulator Night of type Decimal Time
  • As usual, use the Aircraft > Aircraft List screen to set up your simulator
  • As usual, from the Flight Entry screen, enter your simulator ID in the Aircraft ID field
  • As usual, enter your total simulator time for the session in the Sim/FTD field under the Times section
  • Enter night simulator time for the session in your new Simulator Night custom field
For example, to record a 1.4-hour night FFS session, enter 1.4 in both the Sim/FTD field and the Simulator Night field. To later view your night simulator time, you can:
  • Use the Columns screen to turn on your Simulator Night custom column, or
  • Hover your mouse over the total for the Flt Sim column to see the day/night breakdown, or
  • Run the IACRA/8710 totals screen
As always, please let us know if you need assistance.
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